Mum had just had her tea when I got to The Home today. Sean was just tidying her up, remaking her bed and closing the curtains. Mum was nattering away. But not to him. Or me.
Sean said that Room 36 was now available and, if we liked it, they could move Mum down there. Once Sean had left, I asked Mum what she thought about moving back downstairs. She wasn’t sure and asked the Other People with her what they thought.
“These people can come down with you if you want Mum”
“Yeah. Yeah.”
I wanted to speak to someone senior to get their view on whether the clinical opinion differed from my view that Mum would benefit from having real people going past her room. It would certainly be easier to get her to the lounge if the chance presented itself. But Juliette was already saying “I’m too busy!” before I’d got anywhere near her office door and Reggie was in a meeting with Harry while trying to eat his dinner. I would have to get there earlier tomorrow so I can discuss it when they have time.
But Room 36 is a decent room. Next door to where Mum was so a similar view but with slightly more garden to look at. Plenty more passing traffic than where is currently is as she can see the maintenance team their store and workshop and she’s on the route to the laundry as well. Mum’s previous room is a wreck. It’s now a temporary store for cleaning equipment.
Mum’s hallucinations have definitely become a lot more vivid and frequent since the move upstairs. Whether that would’ve happened anyway is unknowable but I can’t help feeling that more real people around her can’t do any harm and she’s more likely to have Terri or Juliette spend time with her being back on the ground floor near the other active residents. I’d just like to get an informed opinion and a judgement on whether yet another move might be detrimental.
Speaking of other active residents, Pat was pleased to see me, Audrey was cheerful but clearly couldn’t remember who I was, Shirley was asleep in a recliner. I couldn’t find Lily to begin with but she’d put herself to bed. She seemed to still be wearing her coat.
Author’s Note
My Mum is in a nursing home in a small village in the Thames Valley. The photo is not of the home. I used an AI image generator to give the reader some idea of the home she’s in.
All, some or maybe even none (you’ll never know!) of the names have been changed to protect privacy and hide real identities. If you think you recognise someone then let me know and I’ll edit the post or remove it entirely