Wednesday Arrived on the ward to be told that Mum had been quite bright that morning and they'd managed to get her to...
White Crow Workshop
Articles from Month: May 2023read more
Tuesday Eldest Sister was the first point of contact for The Hospital as she was the nearest during working hours so...
Monday Brother did the visit today with his family. Mum's vicar was still with Mum when they arrived. She said Mum had...
Sunday Arrived at the hospital to be told that Mum had had an ECG and that seemed fine. Blood tests looked OK and the...
Saturday Eldest Sister did the visit today with her kids. The ward is very strict on there only being two visitors per...
Friday Got to speak with another two doctors as they arrived on the ward to drain Mum's left lung. I was invited to...
Wednesday Mum had made it on to a ward at The Hospital now. It's my first visit since her admission. It's a large...