Saturday Yet another day that didn't go as planned. The Dog has got quite used to one of us popping out briefly to go...
White Crow Workshop
Articles from Month: August 2024Friday
Friday A sluggish day today. It could have been due to starting a new treatment for my hay-fever. It's just something...
Thursday Started the day with an elementary tactical error. We started packing a bag with The Dog's lunch, her long...
Wednesday Started the day with a phone call from my GP for my hypertension review. The good news was that I don't have...
Tuesday We were both a bit preoccupied while walking The Dog this morning. "What are we going to do about getting...
Monday "Hello Mum! It's Nick." "Yeah." "How've you been today?" "Not too bad" I would've thought "Quite active!"...
Sunday The first thing I noticed as I was signing in at The Home was how few people had visited since I last signed...
Saturday I wasn't too worried about being unable to get to The Home early today. Mum was due to be coming out of a...
Friday As I was confident that Mum would be sleepy and unresponsive today I granted myself a Mental Health day. Not...