White Crow Workshop

The Inadvertent Carer

Still visiting Mum…

In 2010, both my parents and both my in-laws were fit and moderately well. By the end of 2013 we had lost my Mother-in-Law to Bronchiectasis and my Dad to a series of heart attacks, minor strokes, vascular dementia and, ultimately, pneumonia. Over the next few years, my Father-in-Law’s health began to fail and he became increasingly dependant on my wife (mostly), a small army of neighbours and volunteers and myself to maintain his independence. In January 2024 the cause of his worsening breathlessness was found. He was diagnosed with Mesothelioma, a nasty and aggressive cancer linked to exposure to asbestos. 

My Mum, though, seemed to sail through without any major dramas until early 2023 when a series of catastrophic events – pneumonia, sepsis and a series of strokes – left her needing medical assistance 24/7 and confined to a nursing home.

My somewhat flexible working arrangements allowed me to be my Mum’s most frequent visitor. Recognising that she wasn’t just my Mum, I wanted to keep my siblings up to date with her progress. A WhatsApp group seemed the obvious answer. Far more convenient than a series of phone calls, texts or whatever.

The record of Mum’s physical and psychological condition turned into a record of her passage through the NHS and Social Services systems and nursing homes too. The staff, patients and residents that I met along the way became my social life so they figure prominently.

Initially, I was experiencing frustration at not being able to work in my planned creative outlets. But I soon realised that providing the record WAS my creative outlet. It was also extremely therapeutic and helped me process and unpack what I was having to deal with.

When the record began to get a wider audience I was encouraged to make it public as it might be useful for people going through the same experience.

Publishing it here seemed to be the obvious first step. If only to explain to people who were expecting to see more wood, stone and photography projects why my social media accounts had gone so quiet.

You’ll find links to each day’s update below…



Friday Full day today. We got to Lesley's dad's early. Firstly, to make sure The Dog got a good walk so she'd be tired...

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Thursday The pressure was on today. Brother had asked if and when Mum might be ready, willing and able to do another...

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Wednesday Had a bit of a mixed day today. Mum was sufficiently asleep yesterday evening for me to feel comfortable...

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Tuesday It was another long day for Lesley visiting her dad again today. He seemed to be continuing his run of decent...

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Monday My ability to judge where Mum was in her Sleepy/Active cycle let me down utterly this time around. I'd thought...

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Sunday Given that Mum was so calm and lucid yesterday, I was surprised to find she was already at the Sheets And...

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Saturday Today was Lesley's last chance to get Dad's small bedroom ready before the arrival of her sister and her...

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Friday Lesley's dad looked a lot better today than he looked yesterday. He's still taking the paracetamol though. "Are...

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Thursday It's become quite normal for a check on Lesley's dad's webcam to show him sound asleep in his armchair. Today...

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