Saturday When I saw Reggie yesterday evening he offered to message me when Mum woke up. That message arrived just...
White Crow Workshop
Articles from Month: October 2024Friday
Friday A lovely start to the day today. The sun burnt off the last of the mist while we were out walking The Dog...
Thursday A day at home for me and The Dog today. Lesley went to her dad. On the agenda today was laying out his meds,...
Wednesday Everyone I met on my way through The Home to Mum's room gave me the same update today. "She was awake...
Tuesday I was being given updates about Mum as soon as I walked in the door at The Home today. Everyone who'd had any...
Monday We started the day with a minor drama about Lesley's dad's meds. When Lesley had been with him on Saturday, one...
Sunday Eldest Sister did the visit today. Only her youngest son was due to go with her this time but even he couldn't...
Saturday I found out today why nobody knew anything about Mum's blood tests. The GP hasn't reported anything. But...
Friday Mum was just coming out of her latest Sleepy phase today and she was fairly standard for Day One of her...